How old do I have to be to work at Taco Bell

How old do you have to be to work at Taco Bell?

Minimum age to work at Taco Bell? 16 years old

Minimum age to work at Taco Bell:

16 years old

However,  you may also be able to start a job at Taco Bell at 15 years old in some states in the U.S. Ask at your local store.
There are several requirements to work at Taco Bell:

  • Age
  • Social Security Number
  • Preferred: Ability to work well with others, and customer service experience.


You must be at least 16 years of age or older. If you are younger, ask at your local Taco Bell if they hire younger workers. Some locations may hire workers at 15 years old.

Social Security Number:

You must be able to work legally in the United States. U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents can apply. Temporary Residents with appropriate work visas can also apply to work.
If you are applying in Canada or in another country the same rule applies. You must be legally allowed to work in the country to get a job with Taco Bell.  In Canada you need  a Social Insurance Number. In  or similar worker number issued by the government to legal workers.

How old do I have to be to work at Taco BellTeam workers and customer service experience:

During the application and interview process, you should do your best to emphasize your ability to work well with others in a team. Also emphasize any customer service experience you have.

What jobs can I do at Taco Bell when I turn 16 years old?

Crew Member

A Crew Member’s job duties include guest greeting, taking food and drink orders, food and drink preparation, cleaning, as well as answering questions about menu items and promotions. Crew Members also work at the drive-thru windows and take inventory.

Food Champion

A Food Champion is a worker that prepares, builds and presents perfect food. The serve food that meets quality standards. The role requires the worker also maintain a clean, neat and well-stocked area so it is ready to serve guests.

Shift Lead

This leadership position must be a high school graduate (age 17 or 18). They lead a staff of 4 or more employees on each work  shift, and the also train, coach and development Team Members. They ensure fast, accurate service as well as positive guest relations. The Shift Lead also ensures products are consistent with company quality. Also required: Executing administrative duties. Balance cash drawers. Inventory counts. Ensure food safety standards.

Cool job facts

  • Taco Bell has worked to become one of the U.S.’s healthiest fast food options. Read more here.
  • Taco Bell has close to 6,000 restaurants worldwide.
  • It serves more than two billion tacos and one billion burritos each year.
  • The restaurant chain serves 36 million customers each week.

How to apply to work at Taco Bell in the United States and Canada:

To apply to work at Taco Bell in the U.S. or Canada, here are the steps:

Need a Taco Bell job application form?

Download it here: This is the printable Taco Bell job application  (PDF file).